Pueblo Esther – Santa Fe

Type of project

Purchase of 6 lots + construction of 1 2-bedroom house on each lot (industrialized construction system)

Property type

2-bedroom house on one floor on a lot of 300 and 370m2

2 dormitorios 

Semi-integrated kitchen turned into dining room

1 full bathroom

Balcony and barbecue (pergola)

Cochera (pérgola


El Plumerillo 100 – Loteo Palo Alto – Pueblo Esther – Santa Fe – Argentina

Year of execution

2022 July

Stage of requesting construction permits, requesting demarcation certificates and presentation of plans to start the work

2022 octubre

Habilitaciones y permisos obtenidos
Inicio de obras para las bases (plateas) de las casas

2023 Enero

Fin del armado de las plateas para las 6 casas
Perforaciones de agua también terminadas en los 6 terrenos

Property size

4 lots
10 m front x 30 m background
300 m2

1 lot
10.86 m front x 34.06 background
369.90 m2

1 lot
10.39 m front x 30.64 m background
318.40 m2

6 Houses
54 m2 covered
23.40 m2 balconies
77.40 m2
